Licensing for models and datasets

Tymon Dąbrowski tamtamy.tymona at
Mon Mar 25 16:43:09 GMT 2024

> If it's just links and metadata, then one of the various CCs is fine.
> Some popular datasets include entire images, in which case... I don't
know. I'd avoid that...
Well, we'll have the actual data, not just links. We might not release it
if we don't want to, though.

> 2.) If we don't own the data used to "train" the binary blob model, do we
even own the model?
I'd just ask the artist to license it all on CC-0, then we can use it
however we want. (CC-BY could be already too much since you could argue
that the model is the derivative of data, and the final picture a
derivative of the model, therefore derivative of the data).

Remember that we don't have those images or dataset yet and we can just
choose those that fit our needs, including the licensing.

pon., 25 mar 2024 o 17:33 Emmet O'Neill <emmetoneill.pdx at>

> 1.) Does the dataset contain full, original training images or just plain
> text links to images?
> If it's just links and metadata, then one of the various CCs is fine.
> Some popular datasets include entire images, in which case... I don't
> know. I'd avoid that...
> 2.) If we don't own the data used to "train" the binary blob model, do we
> even own the model?
> Obviously only the owner of some work can license it to others.
> We're kind of in legal no-man's land with all this stuff, so I don't know
> and I don't expect you to know either, but it feels like due diligence to
> consider it.
> Does Intel have any suggestions about this? What do they do?
> Even doing my best to put aside my personal (well-documented) feelings on
> copyright and generative AI aside, I don't really understand the
> legal/licensing mechanics of all this stuff to help you make a good
> judgement here.
> If nothing else I'm curious to see where this stuff leads Krita.
> On Mon, Mar 25, 2024 at 7:17 AM Halla Rempt <halla at> wrote:
>> We're looking into adding an experimental AI-based feature to Krita:
>> automated inking. That gives us three components, and we're not sure about
>> the license we should use for two of them: the model and the datase. Would
>> CC be best here?
>> Halla
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