Preferred bugtracking channel?

Eugen Mohr eugen.mohr at
Thu Oct 15 19:29:44 BST 2020

Hi Evert

Welcome back. Yes, we have the bugtracker and the invent issue tracker
( I would say
please use the invent issue tracker. The Bugtracker is used by "normal"
users and sometimes flooded with just packaging issues.

Your 1^st point is filed already: We have a
Titler 2.0 collector:

The 2^nd point: You have to check if it's filed already.

We are checking the effect blacklist right now to release some more
audio filters and effects.

The audio workflow including multichannel audio is not finished and your
input is welcome.

BTW: We have 2 Telegram channels: (for everybody)
and (more for developers). Feel free to join.
There we can discuss things like audio workflow integration and other
topics. Sometimes it's easier to chat before file-in an issue.


Am 15.10.2020 um 10:45 schrieb Evert Vorster:
> Hi there, development team of Kdenlive
> It's been a while since I was involved with Kdenlive. Back then, it
> was only a hobby, but recently I have started making videos commercially.
> I still maintain the Arch Linux kdenlive-git and kdenlive-release-git
> packages, of course. It's pretty low effort involved to maintain a
> package.
> Firstly, Kdenlive is pretty solid, and suits my needs perfectly. There
> was some chatter about moving to a different channel for bug reports.
> As I am using Kdenlive much more now, I am running into minor
> annoyances, and would like to feed that back to the group.
> Minor stuff like:
> 1. The cursor being invisible when adding or modifying text in a title
> clip.
> 2. .mlt clips' sound manipulation being missing. When changing the
> speed of a clip, the resultant .mlt file does not have a "sound"
> attached to it when dragged onto the timeline. It makes it hard to
> mute, unmute or change the volume of a clip.
> I have taken to making my own transcode profile, and transcoding the
> clips to get at their sound again... but this seems against the whole
> non-destructive editing that was a large focus of Kdenlive when I
> started using it.
> Where would you guys like to have these gripes recorded?
> Also, sound seems to have a bit of room for improvement. There is no
> equalizer or hiss removal or FFT filter. Currently I am using Kdenlive
> to split out the audio stream, then editing with Audacity, then using
> ffmpeg to re-mux the sound back into the video clip. Why am I doing it
> that way around?
> Well, it's not always clear which clips you are going to use in the
> edit. Once the clip is all cut up, it's a pain to extract each little
> piece and do en-masse sound filtering on it. So, I edit the master
> clip's sound, and re-mux it with FFmpeg, and when I re-use the
> original filename, Kdenlive does not know the difference, and I have
> nice clean sound in every little piece of the clip that is used.
> It would be nice if I was just able to export the sound, edit it, then
> "merge" it back into the clip, overwriting the original sound.
> Kind regards,
> Evert Vorster
> Awesome Chapters Tours
> Tel: +264 (0) 811477690
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