Dropping dead(?) Python bindings generation code?

Christoph Cullmann (cullmann.io) christoph at cullmann.io
Sat Feb 12 17:48:43 GMT 2022

On 2022-02-12 18:35, Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> Hi,
> trying to ensure some changes do not break the Python binding 
> generation, I
> actually tried to activate that, but found at least on current openSUSE 
> TW
> there seem to be no longer any working dependencies. Also the openSUSE 
> TW
> packages of the KF modules seem to also be build without bindings, for 
> the
> samples I checked.
> Then I found that on both gitlab & jenkins CI the binding generation is 
> also
> skipt (at least for KCoreAddons on all platforms, but seems also 
> everywhere
> else).
> Some related commit removing the support talks about "deterministic" 
> builds
> though:
> https://invent.kde.org/sysadmin/ci-tooling/-/commit/
> 6a92fdf747990d2e074e92b2bdc224efc9b08740
> Then on #kde-devel I was told that"pyqt5 5.15.6 + sip4" do no more go
> together, referencing
> https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2021-November/044346.html:
>> It wasn't an intentional breakage but it's not something I'm going to 
>> rush
> to fix.
> Who feels in charge of the Python binding support? Is there a chance 
> someone
> will work on this soonish?
> Or could we drop it now, and save everyone the cmake warning messages 
> they
> cannot fix and also the bad feeling to change things that might break 
> binding
> generation support even further?
> It was suggested that "the only reasonable way forward it to port to 
> modern
> sip" "but that requires an almost full rewrite".
> Which sounds as if any future system will need a rework of ECM's
> PythonModuleGeneration as well, thus keeping the current CMake code in 
> KF
> modules around in chance they might get used again as they are in the 
> future
> would not make sense.
> Reference removal of the Python binding generation support up as
> https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kcoreaddons/-/merge_requests/198
> to serve as example for the discussion.

One of the reasons we never tried to restore the Python scripting in 
in the KF5 era was the missing bindings for most stuff.

I would assume one could just drop the current non-working state.

Perhaps for the KF6 era one might think about getting PySide
bindings working... If somebody is up for that.


> Cheers
> Friedrich

Ignorance is bliss...
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