Would a min dep Qt 5.14 be more real-worldish? (Re: PSA: Frameworks depends on Qt 5.13 now)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Fri Nov 27 08:16:10 GMT 2020

Am Freitag, 27. November 2020, 00:21:04 CET schrieb Nicolas Fella:
> Hi,
> per our Qt dependency policy [0] Frameworks depends on Qt 5.13 6 months
> after the release of Qt 5.15, which is now.

Clueless question: why jump to Qt 5.13 and not Qt 5.14?

>From the discussion at least in https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-frameworks-devel/2020-July/112712.html I could not see a discussion whether Qt 5.13 makes 
sense at all now, seems just the algorithm was applied. 

Do we have some overview which realistic distribution targets would require us 
to still support Qt 5.13 now? Or would it make more sense to jump to 5.14 as 
min dep straight?

Motivation to ask is that KDE CI right now does not yet cover Qt 5.13, but 
only Qt 5.14 & Qt 5.15.
So by "Martin's Law": no CI coverage -> feature (of min dependency) not 


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