D28002: [WIP]Allow disabling of data collection

George Vogiatzis noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Mar 13 11:49:01 GMT 2020

gvgeo added a comment.

  >> Currently data is collected by default, with no way of disabling it.
  > That's far from true. Things are off by default. Most providers are not run at all.
  > The commit message is either confused or misleading.
  I made an assumption, based on the data collected for gammaray. But on second check, it seems that it uses it's own implementation of kuserfeedback.
  Changed the description. Confused or not, if it is wrong, it is misleading.
  > I don't see why load needs to return early with a bool, it's overly complicating things.
  Agree. (My problem was accessing private from public.)
  > Some usage stuff is retained regardless, but as you note it is because it is used for the notification reminder.
  > I also don't see it as fixing anything real. It's local data (that kactivitymanagerd is keeping anyway...) and no different to an app storing a window size or whatever.
  Local data that are used for the functionality of the program, should not used as telemetry data. Tracking for telemetry should start when the user choose.
  An option "Don't remind me again" should exist. And it would be inappropriate to keep tracking if enabled, as they would serve no purpose.
  Keep in mind that this patch has many faults, and only uploaded as a discussion point.
  Including all other, would also like to see a separate switch for surveys, for example.

  R849 User Feedback Collection Framework


To: gvgeo, #frameworks, apol, vkrause
Cc: davidedmundson, #frameworks
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