D25814: [KColorScheme] Add SeparatorColor

Noah Davis noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Dec 9 13:24:05 GMT 2019

ndavis added a comment.

  In D25814#574129 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D25814#574129>, @hpereiradacosta wrote:
  > Few more comments on this:
  > - general: you will never be able to make all the opiniated people happy, and you have to draw a line (otherwise your code will become bloated, buggy, and unmaintainable)
  > - regarding this specific case: many widget style will not implement this new color. For those this will just generate bugs reports: why is my color scheme not respectd ?
  > - some widget styles (oxygen at least, but I'm sure there are others) use two colors for frames and separators, to mimic shadows or relief effects. Adding one single color for this will not fit such schemes.
  > - in the end if you need an extra color for a given theme (be it future-breeze or whatever), there is also the possibility to add it as a extra option for this specific theme, rather than forcing it to kcolorscheme and imposing it to all styles (or making kcolorscheme broken for all the styles that wont use it). This is how window decoration shadows and glow were handled to oxygen. I think this change will break more things than it will fix, especially if the fix is to make some opinionated people happy.
  - I know it's not a great reason, but I want the setting too. I'm not only making it for others.
  - The most popular 3rd party themes (Kvantum themes) don't even support colorschemes. For Kvantum users, colorschemes are only useful for setting the colors on QML apps, which Kvantum doesn't properly set the colors for. AFAIK, the only other commonly used QStyles are Breeze, Oxygen and QStyles provided by Qt. Qt's QStyles only uses colors that map to QPalette colors. The only customizable colors which don't map to QPalette that Oxygen and Breeze use are View FocusColor, View HoverColor and View NegativeText. Oxygen also uses KColorScheme's shade colors. If KColorScheme is only used by us, what is is the point of having KColorScheme if we barely use it and we cannot extend it for use with our own software?
  - I don't intend to change Oxygen.
  - The VDG has been trying to make it easier to navigate through SySe, so I want to avoid putting more settings in poorly visible locations. I also want access to this color outside of the Breeze widget style so that it can be used in Plasmashell and QML apps. I suppose I wouldn't have to make this customizable for users to do the last part.
  - I'm not sure what you mean by "break". Do you mean themes that previously worked will stop working?

  R265 KConfigWidgets


To: ndavis, #frameworks, #vdg
Cc: davidedmundson, filipf, cfeck, hpereiradacosta, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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