GSoC project discussions

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Tue May 12 09:20:00 BST 2020

Am 11.05.20 um 18:54 schrieb Thomas Baumgart:
> Hi,
> Hmm, I don't know.
> What is the process to obtain new data files? How do you envision that? Is
> this some automatic process or does it require human intervention?

> I am not sure, if you need to store a 'valid_until' information in the DB.
> What you describe above would let me think that the user cannot use the
> data without obtaining fresh data in regular intervals.
> I think this is not user friendly, as most of the data is still valid in
> the following quarter as it does not change.
> What if you miss an update cycle? How do you envision to handle that in
> the database?

It would be better to use the following pattern: If this field is empty, 
the related record is valid all the time, but if there is a value, the 
record is temporary.

Keeping records in the database even though they have been expired for 
more than 3 months can be useful for tracking purposes.


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