GSoC'20 progress : Phase I related

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Fri Jul 10 09:16:55 BST 2020

Am 06.07.20 um 21:30 schrieb Prasun Kumar:
Hi Prasun,

> BTW: You can read the progress reports at my blog: 

Nice. To complete the first task to 100% the changes should be merged 
into the master branch of the ktoblzcheck project by opening a merge 
request. After this merge a new release can be make with this feature 

You may run [1] from the source dir before opening the 
merge request and check all commit messages against spelling errors.

After opening the merge request, the mentors are going to review the 
changes and are merging the patches, if no issues will be found.

[1] Unfortunally the mentioned script contains a bug 
(, which need to be fixed 


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