[education/kstars/stable-3.6.6] doc: Fix handbook link

Jasem Mutlaq null at kde.org
Fri Aug 18 09:44:03 BST 2023

Git commit f51fd4a9e23b6c1185ec3e4e2f67fd368d8e9143 by Jasem Mutlaq, on behalf of Hy Murveit.
Committed on 18/08/2023 at 10:38.
Pushed by mutlaqja into branch 'stable-3.6.6'.

Fix handbook link

M  +1    -1    doc/ekos-guide.docbook


diff --git a/doc/ekos-guide.docbook b/doc/ekos-guide.docbook
index f0e40ec3b1..eba4443c03 100644
--- a/doc/ekos-guide.docbook
+++ b/doc/ekos-guide.docbook
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
             With GPG guiding, the internal guider uses predictive and adaptive guiding for the RA axis. This adaptively models the periodic error of the mount, and adds its predicted contribution to each guide pulse. 
-          The main settings to consider are Major Period and Estimate Period. If you know the worm period for your mount, perhaps by examining <ulink url="g/phd2/wiki/Mount-Worm-Period-Info">this table</ulink>, then uncheck Estimate Period, and enter your known Major Period. If not, then check Estimate Period.  Intra-frame dark guiding can be used to "spread out the GPG prediction. For instance, if you guide at 5s, you can set the dark guiding interval to 1s and its prediction is pulsed every second, but the guiding drift correction would be sent every 5s. In this way, it outputs the predicted corrections much faster than the guide camera exposure rate, effectively performing periodic error correction and allowing longer guide camera exposures. All the other parameters are best left to defaults.
+          The main settings to consider are Major Period and Estimate Period. If you know the worm period for your mount, perhaps by examining <ulink url="https://github.com/OpenPHDGuiding/phd2/wiki/Mount-Worm-Period-Info">this table</ulink>, then uncheck Estimate Period and enter your known Major Period. If not, then check Estimate Period.  Intra-frame dark guiding can be used to "spread out the GPG prediction. For instance, if you guide at 5s, you can set the dark guiding interval to 1s and its prediction is pulsed every second, but the guiding drift correction would be sent every 5s. In this way, it outputs the predicted corrections much faster than the guide camera exposure rate, effectively performing periodic error correction and allowing longer guide camera exposures. All the other parameters are best left to defaults.
     <sect3 id="guide-dark-frames">

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