Patch on ksnapshot

Adrien Guillon guila at
Tue Aug 29 15:29:12 BST 2006

Hey guys, I understand the problems with making something that works 
for "everybody".  If the print functionality were removed, yes I could add it 
back for myself (but them I'm running my own version of ksnapshot and 
maintainting our own source tree is a royal pain over time...).

> > and Open With into a graphics app and printing from there wouldn't
> > do?
> That's obviously many more additional steps.
> 1.) Click on Open With
> 2.) Find the right app
> 3.) Click on the app
> 4.) Wait for the app to be loaded
> [5.) If the app doesn't have a print button in the toolbar then select
> File->Print]

That's right, it is too many steps... remember this action happens many many 
times a day.  Users become agitated if they have to think too much when they 
use their computer... We love ksnapshot because it shows a preview, and 
allows the user to select what they are taking a snapshot of.  Also, when our 
users receive a non-printable PDF file they will take a snapshot and print 
what they are interested in.  Users have also asked for an "Email" button to 
send the snapshot to another user (no I'm not asking you for it, just saying 
it's been requested here ;-) ).

I think ksnapshot is an awesome utility! BK (Before KDE) we used xwd for our 
screenshots with a shell script.  Here it is:

xwd -frame > /tmp/screenxwd$$
convert /tmp/screenxwd$$ gif:/tmp/gif$$.gif
kprinter -t "Print Screen" /tmp/gif$$.gif 2>/dev/null && wait
rm /tmp/gif$$.gif /tmp/screenxwd$$

If ksnapshot didn't support printing directly anymore, we would revert back to 

Also, using Konsole is technically possible for the system, but it would be a 
bit of effort to test everything under konsole rather than xterm... and other 
than being able to run "print screen" under Konsole, there is no benefit.... 
and users changing their fonts with curses lead to disaster.

So how about a compromise? ... could we perhaps have a drop down box that 
says "Actions" ?  Perhaps this box could have a method of extending 
functionality through the KDE configuration framework, so that I could say do 
something like this:

# The filename of the temporary file is $file
ksnapshot_action_1_exec="kprinter $file"

ksnapshot_action_2_label="Copy to my home directory"
ksnapshot_action_2_exec[$e]="cp $file ~/snapshot-`date`"

Ksnapshot only has to create the temporary file, execute the exec action, 
sleep for a short period, delete the file, and exit.

Advanced users and administrators can make the system do whatever they want... 
and distributions can customize it as they see fit.



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