[patch] do not display links (KUrlLabel) with ampersands (accelerators)

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Wed Aug 23 10:26:06 BST 2006

Simon Hausmann said the following, On 2006-08-23 10:47:

>>>>>>If so, is there accessible replacement?
>>>>>QLabel("<a href='http://yoururl'>My website</a>")
>>>>>Really, I'm not sure KUrlLabel gives any convenience. Does it ?
>>>>I cannot force QLabel to display focus rectangle (KUrlLabel does it with
>>>>my previous patch for 3.5 and trunk).
>>>>  label.setFocusPolicy(Qt::WheelFocus);
>>>>Any ideas?
>>>That was a bug in QLabel. Patch submitted to qt-copy.
>>>If the text interaction flags for QLabel are set to make links accessible
>>>by the keyboard the label will now accept the focus by tab and draw a
>>>focus rectangle around links.
>>OK, thanks. Now: what about StrongFocus? In KUrlLabel I've made it possible
>>that clicking on thelink moves focus to the link, just as in browsers.
> That is currently not supported. We'll try to fix this for Qt 4.3. I see it 
> makes particular sense for a web browser (very useful when navigating back 
> that you see what link was used for activation), but for a label I'm not 
> convinced it is important.

I'd say it is important for apps using the KUrlLabel (soon QLabel thanks to 
your help): there are dialogs that look like a web page, use the links instead 
of buttons to save some space, especially when the texts are longer.
Sometimes, clicking on a link, a subdialog appears, and when user closes the 
subdialog, having the focus visible is useful for the same reason you 
mentioned. Consistet look&feel with regular web pages is also important thing 
here, I guess.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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