Adding KXMLGUIClient into multiple factories

Simon Hausmann hausmann at
Sat Apr 27 18:35:59 BST 2002

On Sat, Apr 27, 2002 at 01:35:29PM -0400, Ellis Whitehead wrote:
> David, Simon,
> Does a KXMLGUIClient ever get addClient()'ed into more than one 
> KXMLGUIFactory?  I need to know if this is permitted, because it would 
> further complicate the already overwhelmingly intricate Shortcut/Action/XML 
> interrelationships.  As it is, I can't even comprehend the total structure as 
> it relates to just the shortcut -- I pity whoever should try to maintain this 
> after me. *grin*  So please say that a client can only have one factory? ;)

Yes, a client can definitely be assigned to one factory at a time

> One thing is that plugging and shortcuts should be primarily taken care of by 
> KActionCollection instead of KAction...

Plugging being the job of KActionCollection? Wouldn't that kill the
whole point of the action pattern in terms of extensibility?


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