Adding KXMLGUIClient into multiple factories

Ellis Whitehead kde at
Sat Apr 27 18:35:29 BST 2002

David, Simon,

Does a KXMLGUIClient ever get addClient()'ed into more than one 
KXMLGUIFactory?  I need to know if this is permitted, because it would 
further complicate the already overwhelmingly intricate Shortcut/Action/XML 
interrelationships.  As it is, I can't even comprehend the total structure as 
it relates to just the shortcut -- I pity whoever should try to maintain this 
after me. *grin*  So please say that a client can only have one factory? ;)

The relationships between KAccel, KAction, KActionCollection, KXMLGUIClient, 
KXMLGUIFactory, and KParts need to be more clearly defined and restrictive in 
the future if it's going to be maintainable.  Currently, it's simply not 
maintainable (as far as the shortcuts go), and the hours that I spend just 
trying to conceive what's going on make the attempt to do so very unpleasant 
and extremely bug-prone.

One thing is that plugging and shortcuts should be primarily taken care of by 
KActionCollection instead of KAction...


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