New fractions activities in master branch

Johnny Jazeix jazeix at
Fri Oct 14 16:38:14 BST 2022

we recently merged into master two new activities:
* fraction_create where the children are asked to select a number of parts
of either a pie or a rectangle corresponding to the question (select x%,
select x/y parts of the pie...). The questions include simplified or not
simplified fractions, percentages, decimal numbers. There are also
fractions with a numerator higher than the denominator.
* fraction_find where a fraction is represented within a pie or rectangle
and the children have to input either the numerator, the denominator or
both representing the fraction.

Timothée reworked the graphics so they are ready for the next release. Feel
free to take a look at them and provide feedback!

I did 3 screenshots that I placed in to show the activities.


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