developmental consultation for children ages 11-13

Emmanuel Charruau echarruau at
Wed Jun 8 13:21:01 BST 2022

Hi Javier,

I need a bit more info to understand the goal of this project.

We need to make sure first of all that all the material is open source.
Do you already have an idea under which form it would be integrated?
We have the nice activity based on the 3 steps principal:
- Teacher tell the word
- Pupil must point an image once the word is given
- Pupil must tell the name of the image
You can find the activty using the search tool (open right in GCompris) and
type enrich your vocabulary.
Is it what you had in mind?
GCompris is translated in about 50 languages, I am not sure we can put
songs or singers as this is too localized.

I have a doubt, is it an activity that your colleague would like to use for
her doctoral theses?


Le mer. 8 juin 2022 à 13:59, Javierbuilder <javierbuilder at> a
écrit :

> Dear good morning,
> My co-worker is doing her doctoral thesis and her fieldwork is on literacy
> for children from 11 to 13 years old. She has a list of words for themes
> for the vocabulary universe of the boys, a list of songs, singers, posters
> in her neighborhood, butcher shop, greengrocer, with what one uses socially.
> I want to ask you if you see it possible to carry out this integration in
> gcompris.
> My name is Javier Barcena I live in Argentina,
>  in the province of Tucuman and I am a member of the board of the
> and I work in a research institute on socio-educational
> inclusion. I am willing to write code and documentation if necessary.
> Thanks in advance for your project.
> keep in contact.
>  best regards
> Javier Barcena
> +542944898344
> Sent with Proton Mail <> secure email.
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