[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX with NoMachine 4.3 client

ctracy at adiemus.org ctracy at adiemus.org
Wed Oct 15 19:39:03 UTC 2014

> Does anyone know of a solution for this, besides holding clients at
> 4.2.x for now?

 	Seems the issue relates to NoMachine switching to 'libssh2' by 
default in 4.3, from using a 'native' binary ssh client.  See:


Modifying ~/.nx/player.cfg  as described there:

<option key="SSH client mode" value="library" />


<option key="SSH client mode" value="native" />

seems to resolve the issue for me.  (Tested with NoMachine Enterprise 
Client 4.3.24_1 on win64 to a FreeNX 0.7.2 install on Linux)

 	Of course, it's anyone's guess how long they're going to continue 
to support "native" ssh clients, especially since Windows doesn't have one 
and they have to distribute 'nxssh.exe' for it.  Hopefully they get the 
'libssh2' implementation feature-complete and fully compatible with what's 
currently possible with the 'native' binaries before they discontinue 
'native' SSH support.


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