[FreeNX-kNX] nxviewer vs vncviewer

Sabuj Pattanayek sabujp at gmail.com
Sat Apr 13 02:35:09 UTC 2013

> Now I want to connect to the freenx server and have it proxy a VNC session
> from a Windows machine to my remote client. To clarify... the freenx server
> (aka "proxy machine") and the windows machine running a VNC server (aka
> "VNC host") are on the same (workplace) network. From home I want to NX
> from my "remote client" to the nx proxy machine and be able to manipulate
> the desktop of the VNC host.

Why do you need for it to be an automated proxy, or whatever it is exactly
you're trying to accomplish. Why can't you just open up a terminal in your
NX session and then run vncviewer to connect to the windows system? I do
this all time, and for connecting to the actual console on linux
workstations I setup x11vnc on the workstation and then vnc into that from
within the nx session.
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