[FreeNX-kNX] Patch to (re)-allow FreeNX shadowing of :0 (Local) sessions - ubuntu FreeNX and its derivatives

Marcelo Boveto Shima marceloshima at gmail.com
Thu Jul 5 16:58:42 UTC 2012

On Thursday, 5 de July de 2012 at 11:13, chris at ccburton.com wrote:

> freenx-knx-bounces at kde.org wrote on 05/07/2012 12:16:32:
> > Zitat von chris at ccburton.com:
> > 
> > > I doubt anyone is intersted anymore, but just in case
> > > here's a re-patch to allow shadowing of console sessions.
> > >
> > > Note this applies to ubuntu FreeNX and its derivatives.
> > >
> > > Fedora, Centos & Suse haven't included the patch mentioned.
> > >
> > 
> > Hi Chris,
> > 
> > would it not make more sense to fork the github repo from fabianx
> > and put the patch there in a branch?
I don't think it's a good idea. There are too many patches.
> Hiya Henning 
> Good question there are a few patches around for 
> various features . . . 
> There are a few points to take into consideration tho . . . . 
> The original developer(s) ha[s|ve] vanished 
>         (probably to get a job/life). 
> They are the only people who proprtly knwe how it all worked 
> (and they will have forgotten now) 
> The Ubuntu people seem to have done quite a bit of work, but they 
> have gone of on their own way. 

I am the main Ubuntu freenx maintainer.
Freenx is in maintain mode only, but once in a while I incorporate some patches from the list.

>         pushing out        their own patches on their own 
>         introducing different coding styles 
>         they seem to have added a lot of logging, but 
The logging changes was made by Boris from altlinux.
I forked his repo after he forked mine. 
> I don't know why. 
>         changing their installation location to match nomachine's 
>         not doing any documentation 
> and 
>         now they seem to have stopped too . . . 
The documentation is the git log.
The installation location does not match nomachine one.
Freenx is installed on /usr/lib/freenx-server or something like that.
This was necessary for the process to include on official repo.
But as nx itself is a xorg fork they didn't accepted.

> Suse have dumped theirs onto "community", so anyone can 
> release an rpm. 
> The Redhat people (whoever they are) 
>          may a few patchesfrom ubuntu but not all, 
> but 
>          haven't followed ubuntuin changing the 
> installtion location. 
> So FreeNX is effectively multiply forked anyway. 
> Also 
> Nomachine are not releasing the next version of their 
> NXagent etc to open source, so any/all Open-Source NX 
> projects may well be in their final stages. 
Probably freenx will be maintained in fix only for some years.  
> There are a number (rather too many) of other projects 
> also using nomachines libraries, some of which threaten 
> to replace FreeNX as the most used (if not already) 
> There is no complete user documentation of FreeNX 
> so no-one (including me) seems to know just exactly 
> what all the features are. 
>         ** big job No 1 ** 
> There is no documentation of the code, even within 
> the code its-self it is patchy. 
> It will all need to be taken to bits and worked 
> through. 
>         ** big job No 2 ** 
> The code hasn't kept up with nomachine's client. 
> look at the way 
> interact 
> A lot of the code needs "reviewing" which means 
> lots of testing of every feature will need to be 
> done 
> VNC, XDM,windows, smb shares, smb/cups printing 
>         ** big job No 3 ** 
> If you get that far, then packages need to be 
> produced and re-tested for the various distros. 
>         ** big job No 4 ** 
> Then designers approvers and accepters are 
> needed with someone(s) in charge to appoint 
> etc 
>         ** big job No 5 ** 
> Then the appropriate web presence is needed 
>         ** big job No 6 ** 
> ... all possibly just in time for the end of 
> support for nxagent/libraries. 
> If there was a large user base with a sponsor 
> and a fre volunteers then it might be do-able. 
> I didn't see much enthusiasm last time it 
> was proposed tho . . . 
In my opinion, freenx should be replaced with something new with systemd or lightdm integration.


Marcelo Shima 
> > 
> > Bye Henning
> > 
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