[FreeNX-kNX] Unable to open Display

Holger Krull holger.krull at gmx.de
Tue Jun 9 08:40:06 UTC 2009

Daniel Spannbauer schrieb:
> Holger Krull schrieb:
>> Daniel Spannbauer schrieb:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'M using FreeNX 0.5.0 and NX-1.5.0 under SuSE 10.2.
>>> The Login with the actal NXClient from Nomachine works perfectly. But in 
>>> NX when I do a telnet to an other host and try to start a X-application 
>>> I get "unable to open Display". Display is set to unix:1000.
>>> If I do a xhost + an try to start the app again there is also the error
>>> "cannot connect to X server unix:1000.0".
>> Check if there really is a X-Server listening on Port 1000.
>> Why don't you set DISPLAY on the remote host to ip.address.of.nx:1000 ?
>> How is unix:1000 supposed to work?
> unix:1000 is set automaticly by NX (oder FreeNX). Its the default, not 
> my idea.
> How can I check if a Xserver is listening on that port? If I logged in 
> with NX aon KDE a "echo $DISPLAY" sais "unix:1000".

Do a
  netstat -tlnp |grep nx

if that outputs something like
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      6735/nxagent

you have the Xserver listening.

unix:1000.0 as DISPLAY will not work on the computer you logged in via telnet. It is purely local to the computer your nxagent is running on.

I recommend you use ssh with -X or -Y as parameter to connect from your nx session to the third computer instead of telnet. That will tunnel the X connection and set DISPLAY accordingly.

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