[FreeNX-kNX] Reverse Connection with FreeNX

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Wed Feb 25 17:32:33 UTC 2009

Federico Rosendo wrote:
>> If you only have one firewall on the server side and it permits outbound 
>> connections (NAT is OK), and the the client side has an open public 
>> address, the vpn or ssh port-forwarding should work - you just need the 
>> matching openvpn or sshd set up on the client.  If there is more 
>> involved, you'll have to explain what makes a reverse vnc connection 
>> work for you.
> With VNC I only start the server on a LAN PC, and then specify the IP of the client (that is in listen mode) 
> and then the connection is established, simple.

So the client is always at a known, open, public IP address?

> We want to do the same with FreeNX, 
> but we can't find the option for example to says the server: "connects to that client" and the options in the client to define the listen mode,
> In VNC reverse connection we didn't made any router or firewall configurations at server side. Les do you think than vpn or ssh port-forwarding is good for us without firewall configurations at server side ?

Yes - there will just be additional steps to set up the connection since 
you can't just tell freenix itself to reverse the direction.  For 
example, with ssh you'd have to first log in from the server to an sshd 
listening on the client, specifying Rport_number:localhost:22 as the 
forwarding on the command line.  Then the user at the client end would 
configure his NX client to connect to (localhost) on the 
port_number specified (anything currently unused should work) and the 
magic of ssh tunneling will let the client connect to the server.

An openvpn vpn would be even easier to use, but needs a more complex 
setup where you add additional addresses and routing for the private 
connection - and then have full network access.  It has its own mail 
list if you need help with that configuration.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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