[FreeNX-kNX] NX Protocol Specification

walter harms wharms at bfs.de
Mon Jun 5 15:11:04 UTC 2006

looks nice, perhaps you can drop a line explaining the number in front 
of a commands (guess it works like ftp but is it true ?)
nx plans to drop openssh so why ? what can not be done with openssh ?
(perhaps you do not know but please write a line).


George Wright wrote:
> I've been working on documenting the NX client/server protocol and I've just 
> finished the first draught of it. There are still a few blanks where it is 
> completely undocumented and where I haven't been able to guess or work out 
> what's going on.
> I'd be very grateful if people could proofread the following document and let 
> me know of any errors I've made or any additions which need to be made:
> http://www.gwright.org.uk/protocol.pdf
> It's basically an expanded version of the NX Client Developers' Guide but 
> solely for the interaction between the client and the server inside nxssh. It 
> also includes some stuff on suspending and resuming sessions.
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