[FreeNX-kNX] Re: floppy, cdrom access for roaming users

Chris Fanning christopher.fanning at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 14:59:30 UTC 2005

> > ..to node_startsession()
> I think we still have a problem with reconnection, as I'm taking the stored IP
> from the stored sessionfile, which might be wrong.
> Can you confirm this bug?

I (chrisf) have been moving about on four different terminals.
I was at two days ago and since then it hasn't been
used. I've been on and off 4 or 5 times today. I was
also on this afternoon (as chrisf) but then logged in
later as user3.

nxserver --list
NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-02 OS_(GPL)
NX> 127 Sessions list:

Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
1000    chrisf   070697293AA69E831AA08F5FB7A5EFE3
1000    chrisf   3C4D4685D250A9BDCEFBD3F76B9BD992
1001    chrisf   7028AD1EE3D61E0034F1D50281CF4F80
1000    user3   9DD9717D9E3E7190CE7EB81DB990B660
NX> 999 Bye

Next, I login at the terminal with ip as user1

Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
1000    chrisf   070697293AA69E831AA08F5FB7A5EFE3
1000    chrisf   3C4D4685D250A9BDCEFBD3F76B9BD992
1000    user1   605B5D0FA0217A76BC1CE943F60C2F68
1001    chrisf   7028AD1EE3D61E0034F1D50281CF4F80
NX> 999 Bye

Now I login at and chrisf

Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
1000    chrisf   070697293AA69E831AA08F5FB7A5EFE3
1000    chrisf   2A58CEA8EB16D5F7E7A7B0985F417B2A
1000    chrisf   3C4D4685D250A9BDCEFBD3F76B9BD992
NX> 999 Bye

So it seems that the update of ip's are correct but expired sessions
are reported leading to confusion.

> Btw. there is a great syntax in the desktop files, which at least KDE does
> support (I don't know about Gnome):
> Exec[$e]=smb://$(echo $NXUSERIP)/fd
> This would allow to use the same login from several machines.
I don't understand this. What's the difference between smb://$(echo
$NXUSERIP)/fd and smb://$NXUSERIP/fd ? Why do you use Exec[$e] (my
bash knowledge needs improvement) ?

> However this would have problems with reconnection:
> Working could be:
> in nxnode:
> export NXSESSIONID=$sessionid
> in your startup-script:
> echo "$NXUSERIP" > /home/.nx/C-$NXSESSIONID/userip
> Exec[$e]=smb://$(cat /home/.nx/C-$NXSESSIONID/userip)/fd
What's the reason behind the added complexity?

> As the sessionid does not change over several sessions this would allow the
> desktop file to be always correct - once that reconnection ip-bug (see above)
> is fixed.

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