[Digikam-users] Temporarily override the 'write to file' metadata setting

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Mon Feb 3 23:46:52 GMT 2014

I'd rather stick to Digikam, as I need to make rather complicate selections
before running the batch tool manager. I use the color tags a lot in order
to select and group the pictures.
For about 550 pictures, I have 10 different sizes depending how big the
final picture will be in the book. And I'll probably do it several times
for some few pictures, if I decide to move them around, or give them more
or less importance...

Thanks for the idea, anyway.

2014-02-04 Simon Cropper <simoncropper at fossworkflowguides.com>:

> Marie-Noëlle,
> As an alternative, assuming you work in the linux environment, why not try
> ImageMagick[1]. This is how I bulk process all my photos. To resize the
> images is relatively easy.
> convert $IMAGE -resize 600x600\> $SMALLER_IMAGE
> you can bulk convert many images by creating a script file that processes
> the files in a directory one by one.
> [1] http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/

Site personnel <http://marie-noelle-augendre.com/>
Photographe en Cévennes <http://www.facebook.com/PhotographeEnCevennes>
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