[Digikam-users] after using gimp dk can´t open image.

John Bestevaar Josephus at people.net.au
Mon Oct 31 13:44:25 GMT 2011

  Hi Jean-François
I very much agree with your remarks on the subject of images metadata.
It is a crime against humanity that no one wants to adhere to or agree 
on, a limited set of standards for this metadata.
I blame the government for this, any and all  government. They dont care 
about images and associated copyright in the same way as for text.
John Bestevaar

On 31/10/11 20:52, Jean-François Rabasse wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, sleepless wrote:
>> Date: Mon, 31 Oct 2011 09:38:26 +0100
>> From: sleepless <sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl>
>> Subject: Re: [Digikam-users] after using gimp dk can´t open image.
>> Your observation and explanation is as always detailed, precise and 
>> right.
>> As a work around I save my Gimp image as PNG, just good to know that 
>> it is
>> not a private problem.
> Yes but, you loose all your photographic metadata, don't you ?
> An alternative could be to :
>  - keep your original file, let's say ORG.jpg
>  - edit with Gimp and save your work in a new file, NEW.jpg
>  - restore all your original Exif data with a command line tool, e.g.
>    exiftool -all= -tagsFromFile ORG.jpg -exif:all NEW.jpg
> and you're done, and DK should accept your NEW.jpg file because it has
> a full valid Exif section.
> (Probably the same could be done with command line evix2 but I don't know
> the invocation syntax, exiv2 users could help.)
> Of course, the problem isn't your private problem, it's the everyday
> nightmare of all people that handle non strictly photographic images,
> as scanned artwork files or other...
> "Sell all pencils and paper on eBay and buy a digital camera, or die 
> !" :-)
> The problem comes from the way metadata standards are defined. Data 
> formats
> are described in a very accurate way, data semantics are ... hum ... a 
> bit
> less accurate, or a bit more impressionist, and data organisation is 
> always a desert.
> So, images application software do what they wish or believe is right, 
> and each softare believes in its own way.
> When you start to mix, you loose or destroy things !
> Jean-François

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