[Digikam-users] Modification time +1:00 after shooting time

Martin Burnicki martin.burnicki at gmx.de
Wed Dec 28 14:20:57 GMT 2011

Marie-Noƫlle Augendre wrote:
> Just 1 hour.
> I'm running Linux / Fedora 16. I didn't change anything recently, and the
> problem seems to have arisen a couple of weeks ago; on photos taken before,
> the time is OK.

If the problem has already started a couple of weeks ago (not just 2 weeks 
ago, as you said in an earlier post) then I'd say it could be due end of 
daylight saving time (DST).

I also had a similar problem because I forgot to change the camera's time back 
from DST to standard time. When I tried to geotag some photos with a .gpx 
file from a GPS logger I saw that they were assigned to a wrong location.

This was because my Linux system time (CET; I live in Germany) had changed 
from UTC+2h to UTC+1h at the end of DST, but my camera was still on UTC+2h, 
so the geotags which are UTC time only were assigned with a position where I 
had been 1 hour before or later.

You should check if all time related settings are OK.

In a console window you can enter the following command to check your Linux 
system's UTC time and local time:

export LANG=; date -u; date

On my machine the result is:

Wed Dec 28 14:03:02 UTC 2011
Wed Dec 28 15:03:02 CET 2011

i.e. the difference is exactly 1 hour. If my assumption that you live in 
France is correct then your local time should also be CET, and thus the 
command above should yield the same difference of 1h.

If your local time is also the correct currnt time then your Linux time should 
be OK, and see if the camera shows the same time as your PC.


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