[Bugsquad] Need help organizing next bugday

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 21:10:33 CET 2008

2008/12/5 Michael Leupold <lemma at confuego.org>:
>> I really think that Kontact as a whole, as opposed to just Kmail,
>> needs a bugday. There are quite a few showstopper bugs in KOrganizer,
>> which is keeping myself and doubtless others on KDE 3.x. The
>> showstoppers fall into two categories: dataloss issues and serious
>> performance issues. I think that there may be a few reproducible
>> crashers as well, though I personally have not encountered them in my
>> tests. Kaddressbook and Akregator have some issues as well. I will
>> gladly make a list of the showstopper bugs if need be.
> Good idea, I think helping categorize bugs by severity or rather finding those
> which should get fixed before 4.2 will be very much appreciated by the kdepim
> folks and the release team.

I will spend some time on it and post later this week. It will be
mostly centered around Kaddressbook and Korganizer because those two
apps are critical to me and are currently unusable. Kmail and
Akregator are at least in a usable state at the moment.

Dotan Cohen



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