[Bugsquad] Need help organizing next bugday

Michael Leupold lemma at confuego.org
Thu Dec 4 23:24:44 CET 2008

Hi Dotan,

On Thursday 04 December 2008 12:44:19 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> > Regarding 2) - I have a simple php script to download bugs from bugzilla
> > and construct the batches. This is very little work for me and as
> > preparing the script so someone else can use it is too much of a hassle
> > I'd still do this part as soon as the product to be triaged has been
> > decided (we might be able to stick to the prepared batches for kmail
> > though).
> I really think that Kontact as a whole, as opposed to just Kmail,
> needs a bugday. There are quite a few showstopper bugs in KOrganizer,
> which is keeping myself and doubtless others on KDE 3.x. The
> showstoppers fall into two categories: dataloss issues and serious
> performance issues. I think that there may be a few reproducible
> crashers as well, though I personally have not encountered them in my
> tests. Kaddressbook and Akregator have some issues as well. I will
> gladly make a list of the showstopper bugs if need be.

Good idea, I think helping categorize bugs by severity or rather finding those 
which should get fixed before 4.2 will be very much appreciated by the kdepim 
folks and the release team.

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