[Appeal] Translucency effect

Hans Oischinger hans.oischinger at h3c.de
Wed Apr 13 13:11:09 CEST 2005

> ah, ok.. cool... what's the delay on hover? i suppose i can see that when i
> see your patch =)
delay between moving the mouse over the taskbarbutton and starting the 
translucency effect.

> what happens when you mouse over a set of grouped windows? do they all stay
> opaque?
not implemented yet (it's only a test to very basically show what it should 
do) but I want it to behave exactly like on the taskbar (click on the grouped 
taskbutton and show the effect for every menuitem.

> do toolboxes and windows (transient-for windows) remain opaque? because it
> would be nice if you moused over a gimp picture and the picture and all the
> toolboxes showed opaque.
Right, that makes sense. I will look into it.

> btw, something i don't want to happen with kicker is now that we have these
> cool new toys to play with that we start applying them randomly. 
Agreed. That is exactly why I posted it here to discuss first.

> i'd like 
> to have some "rules" that we can follow so things are consistent. e.g. when
> to use transparency, at what levels and what those levels mean.
Finding rules for stuff like this can  be a rather hard task as it depends 
alot on individual ideas and I also don't think that Apple has a very sttrict 
ruleset (if any) after which features like Exposé were designed, as opposed 
to their HIG for applications, which is rather strict.
Specifying levels and other consistancy aspects that make sense should of 
course be done. I only wanted to present the idea with this.

> and we do need to completely redo the transparency in kicker. completely.
> rip out the old crap and replace it with proper COMPOSITE support, so that
> the background of kicker is translucent, but things like icons remain
> opaque.
Do you think we should do this for kde 3.5? I mean: Composite is still very 
poorly supported and that would actually mean disabling transparency for 
non-nvidia users.
A fallback to krootpixmap could help but is not very beautiful imo.

> i'll be looking for the patch =)
You'll find it attached.

Greets, Hans
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