[Appeal] new member

Stephan Binner binner at kde.org
Sun Apr 3 19:41:37 CEST 2005

On Friday 01 April 2005 21:20, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:

> And to be honest - in Berlin I didn't really see a vision. 

I think you were too optimistic if you went there and expected to walk home 
with a ready to publish "vision document". The more I heard about it the
more difficult it seemed to me to conceive one more or less ad-hoc for KDE. 

"Apple obviously has a desktop with a vision, but I cannot tell you which 
one" is one funny thing I remember. Another one is the vision which Novell
just got for itself and which people have problem to understand. :-)

> Don't we have the right people or do we need to work harder?

Abstracting and extrapolating a vision(ary) document doesn't seem to be an 
easy task and throwing more people at it will likely not help much. Someone 
mentioned as realistic time frame six weeks for vision and mockups iirc.

About the meeting, there maybe could have been two or three big gatherings per 
day (but then not each 3-4h :) and this or that hours less hacking/talk about
current concrete usability problems in applications to advance a bit further.


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