Updating the organizational structure

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Oct 18 21:23:13 UTC 2016

Dear all,

about one year has passed since operations on WikiToLearn officially
started operations, and looking backwards I am really impressed by the
amount of work and successes we’ve accomplished. There is now a
vibrant community full of young and passionate people who are working
hard to make education and educational content free and accessible to
the world.

It is in realization of this, and to account for the growth of scale
of the community, that the figure of a Maintainer no longer makes
sense, where it does not harm the development of WikiToLearn itself.
To allow for a better organization and to further scale the project
for a more global participation, I hereby resign as maintainer and
nominate a few people who will, each in its own sector, take on the
coordination and organization roles associated with the figure of a
maintainer. They should not only coordinate their respective areas,
but have a full oversight of the project to take care of all the
special/gray cases which really don’t fall in one section or the

The roles, and nominated persons, are:

  - Tech area: Alessandro Tundo
  - Infrastructure: Luca Toma
  - Promo/Community management: Matteo Bonanomi
  - Institutions contact person: Dario Mapelli
  - Content manager: Vincenzo Eduardo Padulano
  - Treasurer: Marco Paganoni

These above roles will be active for six months, with the exception of
the Treasurer, who will be in charge for three months. The maintainer
is in charge of nominating their successors, in agreement with the
community, and can nominate themselves for a consecutive mandate in
case there is no other candidate stepping up or the only available
candidates are clearly not fitting for the role.

Just to reassure everyone involved, these maintainers will not be the
“bosses” of WikiToLearn: subprojects and individual contributors will
continue to enjoy the freedom of working in a community based
environment we are all used to have. These maintainers will, however,
act as coordinators and have the final responsibility of making things
happen, including plans, coordination, and ensuring that the work in
their sector proceeds smoothly.

Now... Let’s focus on #operation1000 and make 1.0 rock! :-)

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