[WikiToLearn] Planning WikiToLearn 1.0...
Riccardo Iaconelli
riccardo at kde.org
Sun Jul 17 16:56:35 UTC 2016
Hi all,
first off I want to compliment with everyone for the release of 0.8.
We managed to push out quite a huge release, with VisualEditor and all
of the infrastructural changes we had to include. It was really sweat,
tears and blood sometimes and it kept us busy for many months... but
finally we managed to pull it off. Great work guys! I am proud! :-)
Of course we can't stop just yet: the new academical year is arriving
soon and we have to arrive well prepared in order to fully exploit our
potential and all the collaboration interests we managed to reach so
For this reason, with the help of many of you, I wrote down a few
tasks to help making real the plans and the ideas we've been cooking
in the past months. After those tasks were written, I tried to come up
with a roadmap to implement all of this.
Without further ado, here's the attack plan I imagine, with the
milestones and the targets to reach:
pre1: (due 1st Aug) The design ideas are finalized and we’ve come
up with some (basic) ui implementation *in real code*. We figure out
this way any residual implementation design issues and provide a
solution for all of them.
pre2: (due 1st Sep) Promotion and participation team can now start
working on defining and creating the programs (and the documentation
material) for the new users and institutions engagement. Guidelines
and formal procedures are defined for all the editing. Technological
team works on bugfixing and perfecting the interaction model defined
at milestone #1, and imports all the content we received so far.
final release: (~20 Sep) We reach out to institutional contacts
already made. We launch local WikiToLearn "clubs" in at least 5
cities, where we have the most presence. WikiBirthday (when
WikiToLearn started to be operational) celebrations are organized with
some impact on social media. Rollout of the new code version and
planning for the three months later.
Within this plan, the first things we need to tackle are the basic
design and technological challeneges of the new user journey. This is
a required condition for developing further material from the people
taking care of the participation and documentation. I created a
milestone on phabricator listing those important tasks:
This milestone is called 1.0-pre1, and it is due on the 1st of august;
I understand it is a short timeframe, but since it is a blocker for
further teamwork, it is important that it really gets done as soon as
possible. Once this milestone is complete from the tech/design side,
even roughly, we should have at least the full picture on how to
organize the whole workflow on the website, and can concentrate on
refining the ui, code and functionality while the participation team
does its job.
In the meantime, editors can start to work right now in making sure we
have a bugfree release by stressing VisualEditor and all of the
important features we have already released in beta with 0.8.
Let’s make #operation1000 come true and rock even more! :-)
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