[WikiToLearn] R: WikiToLearn Digest, Vol 8, Issue 8

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Apr 26 18:56:01 UTC 2016

Dear Riccardo,

On 25 April 2016 at 14:16, riccardo gilardi
<riccardo.gilardi1996 at gmail.com> wrote:
> One question: Why should only new users  work so? Why not everybody, in
> order to have equality?
> And, about the knowledge of everyone else work: Users should note the work
> they do in their personal page in the discussion page of the course in order
> to let anyone Know what is being written.

answers like this are unreadable at best, as it's impossible for the
reader to know to what you're replying to, and in general causes a
mess in everybody's inbox. I also suggest you to turn off digest
reception, to keep subject lines cleaner.

In general, I would like to try to stick to bottom-posting in all
wikitolearn threads, just like I would stick other rules defined here:

Maybe we can strip the outdated ones, document this on meta and
socially enforce this behiavour?

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