[WikiToLearn] Community organization is now in place

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Sat Apr 2 17:38:17 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I gathered all the feedback from the draft and I prepared a final text. Given 
that no further objections have been risen, the following document now 
describes the official policy of WikiToLearn:


This policy is effective from the moment this e-mail arrives on the mailing 
list, and I invite all the community to start following it even for the first 
working groups that will need to be set-up.

Of course, I don't expect that this document will cover all the possible 
corner cases: it will need to evolve with WikiToLearn, and we will amend it 
when problems will arise. However, I think it is a great start.

Congratulations to everyone involved in writing this document! This is a great 
step towards #operation1000! ;-)


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