[WikiToLearn] [WikiFM] First contact with Chilean Universities

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Sep 29 20:16:22 UTC 2015

On Sunday, September 27, 2015 10:43:04 PM Valorie Zimmerman wrote:
> > My idea is to propose the educators the following experimentation:
> > they should ask for some volunteer students at the beginning of the
> > course that will collaboratively take and refine notes (chapter of
> > books), directly on w2l. This will give us a lot of free and high
> > quality content and will give them a metric to evaluate the didactic
> > effectiveness of the initiative. I think that for now this has been
> > the collaboration method that gave us the biggest results. However, it
> > is just a stub. What do you think? Can you give me feedback on this
> > idea?
> > 
> > Bye,
> > -Riccardo
> I'm very behind in reading and responding to email right now, so just
> saw this. Did you do the presentation to the Chilean unis? If so, how
> did it go?
> It is really exciting to read every email from this project, which
> seems to be catching fire all over the globe.
> I love it!

It actually never happened on that day because their network collapsed just a 
couple of minutes after the start of the presentation (it was right after the 
earthquake), which is why I still haven't reported on this one.

The meeting was thus postponed and happened yesterday. The audience was nice, 
with around 12 participants, and 3/4 professors who seemed extremely engaged, 
from both verbal and non-verbal reactions: they asked me many questions and 
how to contribute with their notes. They also actively looked up the website 
and registered to the Spanish version: I left them my contacts and the mailing 
list address. Apparently they also will publish the video of the meeting soon.

I am now waiting for feedback on the matter directly from them, let's wait and 
hope... =)


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