[WikiFM] Announcing the first WikiToLearn sprint!

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Fri Sep 11 09:33:34 UTC 2015

Hi all,

gathering all the suggestions from the community, I am happy to announce:

*The first WikiToLearn sprint!*

It will be held in Bormio (Italy), in a town lost in the middle of the 
beautiful Alps (just because we're envious of the Randa sprints ;-) ), from 
the 26th to the 28th of September 2015.

We will keep a video stream for whoever wants to connect, and we will try to 
keep the meetings in timezone-friendly moments. If you want to partecipate as 
a remote participant, please reply so that we can arrange suitable times for 

I encourage everyone interested to participate to send me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 
a mail with confirmation and a travel expenses estimation, so that I can mail 
the board and ask for a little bit of funding. =)

Ah, and of course...



Have fun!

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