[WikiFM] First contact with Chilean Universities
Riccardo Iaconelli
riccardo at kde.org
Sat Sep 5 15:10:43 UTC 2015
Hi all,
earlier this week I was contacted from the responsibles of two Chilean
institutions (CCLT* and REUNA**), which together represent most of the
academical and research world of the country. They asked me to do a
video presentation the day after (thursday evening here), at the
presence of the coordinator for e-learning of the two institutions
(Dario, please correct me if I got the titles wrong). I attendend the
videoconference with Dario, who was hosting the video terminal in his
office, and given the short notice, I delivered mostly the same
presentation I did at Akademy.
The response has been enthusiastic!!!
They are very happy to join the initiative and would like to know
more: for this they asked me to deliver another presentation in two
weeks, which will be streamed live, broadcasted on the web, attended
by about 40 people (directly or at a delayed time) representing the
6/7 major local universities. I will send you more details as I will
know them.
My idea is to propose the educators the following experimentation:
they should ask for some volunteer students at the beginning of the
course that will collaboratively take and refine notes (chapter of
books), directly on w2l. This will give us a lot of free and high
quality content and will give them a metric to evaluate the didactic
effectiveness of the initiative. I think that for now this has been
the collaboration method that gave us the biggest results. However, it
is just a stub. What do you think? Can you give me feedback on this
*CCLT www.cclt.cl
**REUNA, Red Universitaria Nacional www.reuna.cl
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