[WikiToLearn] Presentation of yesterday @unimib

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Tue Oct 6 09:15:41 UTC 2015


yesterday I had a little presentation to the Physics/Maths matricules of the 
University of Milano-Bicocca (about 200 people) and the reaction was 
absolutely enthusiastic. Not 24 hours have passed and I already received 7 
personal e-mails of people asking me how they can help.

I remind to everyone that with this level of engagement, we really have to be 
crystal clear on the forms of participation that we have available ("how can I 
contribute?"), especially for code and content. I would like to ask Davide to 
write a short introduction on the code, and maybe somebody (Sofia?) should 
write a few words as a "How can I contribute to content" section, with deeper 
links to the already beautiful manual.

In the meantime, I will add a small section "I want to participate" on the 
home page, which will be highly visible (similar to OpenHatch's "I want to 


P.S. WikiToLearn Sweden is also almost ready to kick off, with the support of 
a few student organizations...

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