[WikiToLearn] Development schedule [CORRECT]

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Mon Nov 9 11:27:43 UTC 2015

Hi all,

excuse me for the previous e-mail, which I sent by mistake.

now that coding "emergencies" are past us and we move to a more solid and
stable development style, I would like to call for a hangout meeting with the
development team in order to structure a little bit more the development
workflow, decide coding conventions and so on.

I would propose the following agenda:

- Consider moving towards a weekly release plan (happening every Monday?)
- Dicusss how to handle tagging, staging and so on...
- Setting some priorities and officially deciding maintainership of the 
various areas
- Start to work on the PHP and integration of new upstream releases...

Please add your points by replying here :-)

I would tentatively propose Thursday 19:00 CEST, over Google Hangout. Would 
that work for everyone or should I start a doodle?


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