[WikiFM] New (beta) feature

Dario Mapelli mapelli.dario at gmail.com
Mon May 11 09:21:25 UTC 2015

Sounds familiar!
Uses a similar interpreter!
Il 08/mag/2015 02:04, "Riccardo Iaconelli" <riccardo at kde.org> ha scritto:

> Hi,
> it's very late, but I have just finished implementing this:
> http://www.wikifm.org/index.php/Utente:Roopi/Prova
> Basically you can now write and RUN standard C++ directly from the
> website. There might be still quite some bugs, but I think it could be
> a very important feature!
> How does it look? ;-)
> Bye,
> -Riccardo
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