[WikiToLearn] Every morning is a good morning, with WikiToLearn

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at kde.org
Thu Dec 24 23:54:07 UTC 2015


to keep everyone updated on the many things that daily happen on
WikiToLearn, we (promo team) decided to set up a "Good morning,
WikiToLearn" message, addressed at all the contributors and enthusiasts of
WikiToLearn, that sums up nicely all noteworthy events.

To keep this live stream going, every member of the team should report news
and noteworthy events on the following etherpad:


and later a team of trained monkeys will make sure to digest and translate
it in proper English and spread it to the public. This includes updates on
promotion, coding, but also content, whether relevant (i.e. imported books,
works started on a section) or meta-information such as the announcement of
a sprint.

(as always, a KDE account is required, which you can get on identity.kde.org

The content will be broadcasted every european morning on:

and possibly also on our official twitter (we have to think about it).

Hopefully this will be a nice "good morning" for all our European/African
developers, and a nice "good night" for all the Americans.

And remember, WikiAchievements only grow if shared. ;-)

Pace Peace Paix Paz Frieden Pax Pokój Friður Fred Béke 和平
Hasiti Lapé Hetep Malu Mир Wolakota Santiphap Irini Peoch שלום
Shanti Vrede Baris Rój Mír Taika Rongo Sulh Mir Py'guapy 평화
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