Content referencing

Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo at
Mon Jan 18 15:48:33 UTC 2016

On Monday, January 18, 2016 10:00:37 AM Gianluca Rigoletti wrote:
> However, this method could lead to problems when the
> referencing pages aren't in the same book, so for now I don't know, it
> was just a thought.

This should be OK, if you don't include references, things will break (this 
also happens logically, if you reference some text that doesn't exist in the 
book). Or, if you are smart enough, you can print out a link (i.e. page name 
with hyperlink to the entity or something similar) that people can look up for 

Instead, I agree that a nice syntax for this intra-wiki reference could be 
something like:
<content-ref page=PageName/EntityName />

I still don't have any preference for this syntax or what Russell proposed, 
which are very similar.

The only problem that I can foresee for now (and needs a little thought) is:
 * what happens if a page gets moved?
 * what happens if the ref gets updated? how do we proceed to do updates 

I don't really have a solution for that, but it is also due to my lack of 
knowledge of how MediaWiki does things internally...

Be also careful with hovering and accessibility, or usage from a touch-based 
device. These interactions are always tricky. :-)

...just my two cents!

For the rest, kudos for your work, this is something we really really need!


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