[WikiToLearn Editors - ITA] Templates

Liguori Sofia cravingdisease at gmail.com
Fri Mar 25 20:22:42 UTC 2016

Hi all.
I want to report some problems which came out during my editing work
regarding maths templates.
I did the templates by myself, I'm not skilled so I probably made some
mistakes in writing them. This is the reason why I hope someone can help me.
You can reach all maths templates in the category special page since I
placed them in the proper category.
The problems are the following:
        - text formatting holds only for few lines, then vanishes. For
example the text of            a theorem is italic in the template, but
after few lines becomes plain. lists and              math broke the
        - the same happens for lateral line (template proof/dimostrazione):
dmath broke           it.

Hope someone can solve the problem,
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