[WikiToLearn Editors - ITA] Hangout report

M Bona matteo9496 at gmail.com
Sat Apr 2 10:16:18 UTC 2016

Hi guys,
I am writing this email in order to let you know what it's been discussed
in the hangout we had (4 members of the editors team) this morning.
Mainly we still have an organization problem: working groups have to be
created and their activity has to start as soon as possible.

The priority is to find a group of people who wants to create a WG, working
on the documentation : we stress the importance of such a WG since there
are more and more new users and they need to have a page where they can
find precise guidelines on how do they have to work.
Related to this there is another point: the meta.wtl page doesn't have an
appropriate visibility. I know that this argument has already been
discussed and its solution is about to be find (probably with the new
infrastructure) but I preferred to point it out anyway.

Eventually, we think that it's somehow needed to stress the importance of
WGs: meaning that when an user decide to enter a WG, he/she takes on some
responsibilities; WGs are an extremely important part of the organization,
so their creation is welcomed but, once a WG is created, it has to be
organized by its own members and it has to work efficiently, engagements of
its members permitting.. Do not create a WG if its members do not
communicate with each others: you'd work without efficiency and without

Bye all,

PS: If you, reading this email, want to join a particular WG (Templates,
Importation) or to create the documentation WG feel free to contact any
editor and ask for any kind of information. Your contribution is welcome! :D
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