[plasmashell] [Bug 483163] Sometimes on X11 with compositing turned on, black lock screen when using Breeze Plasma style, but controls are all there and remain interactive

David Edmundson bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Thu Mar 6 16:30:03 GMT 2025


David Edmundson <kde at davidedmundson.co.uk> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
      Latest Commit|https://invent.kde.org/plas |https://invent.kde.org/plas
                   |ma/kwin/-/commit/4ce5756a53 |ma/kwin/-/commit/f3452076a7
                   |08a74daa51fae7c1894a78fb33a |e710e1d165ed3d759a2cb17bad1
                   |ce0                         |366

--- Comment #135 from David Edmundson <kde at davidedmundson.co.uk> ---
Git commit f3452076a7e710e1d165ed3d759a2cb17bad1366 by David Edmundson, on
behalf of David Edmundson.
Committed on 06/03/2025 at 14:08.
Pushed by davidedmundson into branch 'Plasma/6.3'.

x11: Update XStacking order when adding override-redirect windows

Kwin uses it's own stacking order for managed windows and X11's stacking
order directly for unmanaged windows.

The X11 stacking order is updated only in resonse to
XCB_CONFIGURE_NOTIFY on the root window, but if this fires before the
window is mapped by kwin the window is not added to the unmanaged stack.

This can leave things out of sync when we have multiple fullscreen
unmanaged windows, which is the case of the lockscreen.

(cherry picked from commit 4ce5756a5308a74daa51fae7c1894a78fb33ace0)

Co-authored-by: David Edmundson <kde at davidedmundson.co.uk>

M  +50   -0    autotests/integration/x11_window_test.cpp
M  +3    -1    src/events.cpp
M  +3    -6    src/layers.cpp
M  +1    -0    src/workspace.cpp
M  +1    -1    src/workspace.h


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