[plasmashell] [Bug 483163] On X11 with compositing turned on, black lock screen when using Breeze Plasma style, but controls are all there and remain interactive

Jakob Petsovits bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Wed Nov 20 18:31:09 GMT 2024


--- Comment #73 from Jakob Petsovits <jpetso at petsovits.com> ---
(In reply to Roman from comment #71)
> Do you know the reason and it is hard to fix? Can't you reproduce it? If so, can I help you with that?

Speaking just for myself: When I was experiencing this in the past, I tried to
figure out the cause of this bug and found it very challenging. Since then, I
have occasionally logged into an X11 session instead of my regular Wayland
session, and have not been able to reproduce it anymore. I think it's going to
be next to impossible for a developer to solve if they can't reproduce it on
their own system.

If I were still able to reproduce it here, I would want to look into the
difference between testing mode (`kscreenlocker_greet --testing`), which did
not ever exhibit this issue for me, and regular (X11) screen-locking mode,
which did exhibit the issue. I wonder if perhaps the (necessary)
Qt::X11BypassWindowManagerHint flag that's set in greeterapp.cpp causes some
sort of race condition that we don't see in regular X11 or Wayland windows.

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