[plasmashell] [Bug 466838] Keyboard layout switcher being located far from the password field can result in confusion when accidentally using the wrong layout

Nate Graham bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Mon Mar 6 23:13:59 GMT 2023


Nate Graham <nate at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|KDE login screen has poor   |Keyboard layout switcher
                   |UI, the keyboard layout     |being located far from the
                   |switch should be located    |password field can result
                   |directly above (or maybe    |in confusion when
                   |below) the password field   |accidentally using the
                   |                            |wrong layout
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
             Status|REPORTED                    |CONFIRMED
                 CC|                            |nate at kde.org,
                   |                            |visual-design at kde.org
           Keywords|                            |usability
          Component|Lock/logout                 |Theme - Breeze

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