[kwin] [Bug 451815] Appmenu button not available for all programs anymore

Nate Graham bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Thu Mar 31 21:40:44 BST 2022


Nate Graham <nate at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
          Component|Icons                       |appmenu
           Assignee|visual-design at kde.org       |kwin-bugs-null at kde.org
            Summary|drop-down menu bar on the   |Appmenu button not
                   |very left not available for |available for all programs
                   |all programs anymore        |anymore
                 CC|                            |nate at kde.org
            Product|Breeze                      |kwin
            Version|unspecified                 |5.24.3

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