[plasmashell] [Bug 455757] Please allow WallpaperFader to be disabled for Breeze theme in both SDDM and Lockscreen

hugh bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Thu Jun 23 23:16:55 BST 2022


--- Comment #4 from hugh <hugh.garse at tutamail.com> ---
Happy to test for FOSS projects, report issues, follow up afterwards.

As I said, I don't develop. By choice.  I hate coding.  Tried it.  Detest it. 
Life is too short to do stuff you hate.  Not happening.  Ever.

Trawling through the breeze code to find a solution to this felt like Andy
Dufresne's 500 yard crawl through raw effluent in Shawshank.  Unpleasant.

But I found a solution anyway.  A very simple solution.  Trivial actually.

WallpaperFader.visible = false

In two places.  That is all.  Been using it since 5.24.3 and works.  Perfectly.

Even that is not enough.  Write the code yourself.

Your irrational inflexibility to implement this simple disable mechanism for a
UI element that is invasive, ugly and ultimately pointless is very weird.  

My system works fine now, be nice if others had the same option.

Guess not though.

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