[plasmashell] [Bug 427668] Panel has a shadow which appears on top of maximized windows which looks a little odd especially in the case of a top panel and light titlebar

Adam Fontenot bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sat Oct 17 03:32:53 BST 2020


Adam Fontenot <adam.m.fontenot+kde at gmail.com> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|Panel has a shadow which    |Panel has a shadow which
                   |appears on top of maximized |appears on top of maximized
                   |windows which looks a       |windows which looks a
                   |little odd especially in    |little odd especially in
                   |the case of a top panel and |the case of a top panel and
                   |lithe titlebar              |light titlebar

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