[Breeze] [Bug 416302] start-here-kde-plasma icon is color-scheme-aware for 16 and 22px sizes, but not larger sizes, making the monochrome elements disappear in dark themes

Nate Graham bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Wed Jan 15 16:42:13 GMT 2020


Nate Graham <nate at kde.org> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Summary|breeze dark: improve the    |start-here-kde-plasma icon
                   |icon of the notification    |is color-scheme-aware for
                   |shown after panel removing  |16 and 22px sizes, but not
                   |                            |larger sizes, making the
                   |                            |monochrome elements
                   |                            |disappear in dark themes
     Ever confirmed|0                           |1
                 CC|                            |nate at kde.org
             Status|REPORTED                    |CONFIRMED

--- Comment #1 from Nate Graham <nate at kde.org> ---
That's just the Plasma logo. :)

Looks like this icon is color-scheme aware for the 16 and 22px sized, but not
the larger sizes. That should be fixed. Or else we could add an outline around
the monochrome part for the larger sizes, maybe.

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